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-- magicianRox [MR] began texting faithfulMari [FM] at 7:13 --
MR: where did you say i was supposed to wait for you?
FM: mmm. there should be a bench near the park's entrance.
FM: just stay around that area and i'll look for you.
MR: still surprises me, you being tardy
FM: what does the word tardy even mean.
FM: it just so happens i always am a bit late to everything.
MR: thats what being tardy is, maribel
FM: give me ten minutes and i'll be right there with you scarlett. don't disappear like last time.

The Meeting

The sun's light burns everything around a young woman, the soaring heat making her feel like she is being cooked. For a brief moment she gets up and almost decides to walk away, since she never liked the burning sun, but she has a promise to maintain and a person to meet. This does not prevent her from almost overheating in the sun's rays, so with a frown, she decides to take off her beanie and her leather jacket, revealing her curly and pink hair that barely reaches her neck, and her blue strapless dress, accompanied with fishnets and a pair of heeled boots. Maybe impractical for meeting a friend in a dry summer day, but she does not care. After waiting for what it seemed like hours to her, she decides to take a short nap. Behind her, there is another woman, hidden in the trees. Waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike, because Maribel finally found her and fae's going to give her a warm welcome.


